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Do these symptoms feel familiar to you?

  • Waking up several times in the night drenched in sweat?

  • Hot flushes countless times during the day and night?

  • Feeling like you have lost control of your body?

  • More anxious and irritable than usual?

  • Unable to concentrate or to be motivated?

  • Weight gain?


These are all common effects of menopause, they often come as a surprise, may not have been experienced before and so are upsetting and unsettling.


Menopause lasts up to 10 years and interferes with what should be a happy and productive phase of life.

Menopausal symptoms are made more pronounced by stress, alcohol, certain foods and are why women going through this time of life are more likely to suffer from depression. Often fatigue and lack of concentration stops you being able to function properly. You often can’t achieve mindfulness as your concentration is all over the place.


How Can Hypnosis Reduce The Symptoms Of Menopause?

Hypnotherapy harnesses the power of your own mind to create changes within you by relaxing the mind and rebalancing body systems.  It is incredibly calming and can be very effective in creating change quickly.

Using hypnosis to relieve menopause symptoms can reduce both the frequency and severity of symptoms.


Physical symptoms such as hot flushes, excessive sweating and poor sleep, and psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, brain fog and irritability all respond very well to this treatment. It is safe and natural and helps you take back control, to reduce the intensity and frequency of a hot flushes, and to help relieve the other symptoms of menopause so that you can get on with the business of living. 


University clinical trials in the US the UK, and here in Australia, have supported the effectiveness of hypnosis for menopause symptoms and can be an effective alternative to HRT. Baylor University Mind-Body Medicine Research Laboratory found that hypnosis could reduce hot flushes by as much as 74%.


A completely safe and natural treatment, hypnotherapy for menopause provides a viable alternative to drug based remedies or can be used to complement these treatments.


Main Menopausal Symptoms And How They Respond To Hypnotherapy. 

Hot Flushes and Night Sweats 
Clinical trials have shown over 70% reduction in symptoms among trial participants. As well as enjoying a dramatic reduction in the number and intensity of hot flushes and night sweats, these women reported feeling calmer, more relaxed and much more physically comfortable.


Anxiety / Depression / Mood Swings 

Living with menopause creates a high level of anxiety in many sufferers. The lack of quality sleep, the seemingly constant hot flushes and sweating, the sense of losing control of one’s own body, the loss of sexual energy and enjoyment, all can potentially create anxiety and depressive symptoms.  As the body and mind respond to the treatment, symptoms are naturally and gently reduced, and a calmer, more positive mental state naturally occurs. 


Low or No Libido

Low estrogen and testosterone levels create vaginal dryness and loss of libido. These symptoms naturally lead to a reluctance to engage in sex. By creating a more relaxed state and  introducing more estrogen rich foods, these symptoms can be diminished.


Weight Gain

Hypnotherapy affects weight in multiple ways. Hypnotic suggestions that directly target eating and exercise behaviour can eliminate unhelpful eating habits. Increased physical energy makes it easier to exercise and a better sense of well-being further encourages positive changes.


Contact  me to find out more :  0427 639778


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