The benefits of hypnotic relaxation are many:
Improved health
Lower blood pressure
Greater vitality
More energy in reserve and a more economical and productive use of energy
Protection against stress
Freedom from unnecessary tension
Protection for the heart and against high blood pressure
Improved digestion
Natural aid for all healing processes
Quicker onset of sleep and better sleep
Poised posture in sitting, standing, walking and all of life's activities
Poised inner posture
Increased efficiency and economy of effort in work and play
Improved performance in arts and crafts, sports and games
Greater spontaneity
Feeling good
Greater calmness
Reduced nervousness
Freedom from unrealistic fear and anxiety
Increased courage and confidence
Relaxed sense of humour
Enhanced sense of beauty
Purer perception and awareness
Feeling more fully alive
More harmonious relationships with parents, spouse, children, friends, neighbours and workmates
Effortless concentration
Greater clarity of mind
More peace of mind
Increased creativity
Increased self awareness
Raised overall level of meaningfulness in living
Heightened awareness, generosity, optimism, joy, delight, love, compassion
Increase in harmony with nature
Enhanced spiritual awareness and development